St. Luke's is a parish of the Diocese of North Carolina within The Episcopal Church. Being an Episcopal congregation, we are blessed with the richness of Episcopal liturgy and Anglican theology.
Our identity is found in The Book of Common Prayer, which sets forth our worship, doctrine, and organization through the way we worship. It has been said that “praying shapes believing,” and we are indeed shaped by our liturgy.
We are members of the worldwide Anglican Communion, which comes out of the Church of England and has roots in British Christianity dating to the 200s.
The theology that has shaped us is Incarnational (our faith has tangible impacts on our lives and is rooted in Jesus Christ) and grounded in Scripture, Reason, and Tradition. Our theology also places value in the via media (Latin for “middle way”), meaning that we place greater emphasis on living the Truth than on struggling with one another to circumscribe it.
What unites and defines us is not our shared interpretation of Scripture, not our political persuasions, not our social, economic or racial backgrounds, but rather our commitment to common prayer – to praying the same words together, being Baptized into the one faith of Jesus Christ, and sharing together in the sacred meal of the Eucharist.