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Dedicated on the Feast of All Saints 2015, we are blessed to have a beautiful labyrinth in which to pray. It was constructed in the fall of 2015 by parishioner Hans Roemer as his Eagle Scout Project.


Click here for a PDF document with information about labyrinths and how to pray with one. Or you can listen to these instructions being read on our podcast.


The labyrinth is located near the corner of North Jackson and West Council Streets.


We also have an indoor cloth labyrinth that is used in certain seasons and for retreat.


Sunday Liturgies:

8:00AM- Holy Eucharist, Rite I

10:30AM- Holy Eucharist. Rite II*

5:30PM- Evensong* (last Sunday of each month)

*also livestreamed via Facebook


Daily Office in our Chapel:

8:00AM, Monday-Friday, Morning Prayer

5:30PM, Monday-Friday, Evening Prayer*

*Wednesday is Healing Eucharist with Communion

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131 W. Council St. 

Salisbury, NC 28144



Office hours: 

Mon-Thurs, 9am-2pm, or by appt.


Church open to the public:

Mon-Thurs, 9am-4pm


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