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Ministries for Children, Youth, & Families

Through learning, service, and fun, our programs are designed to provide children and teens the foundation for life grounded in authentic faith.


In addition to the regular programming below, families enjoy traditions such as the Christmas Eve Pageant, Youth Sunday, Easter Egg Hunt, Music and Arts Camp and more.​ 


With questions about children's ministires, contact Caroline Stephenson,​ 


Contact Father Robert,, with questions about youth ministries.

Children, Youth & Family Ministries


Children's Church

Held during our Sunday 10:30am liturgy, children gather in church and process to the Children's Church room for a lesson and activity, returning during the Peace. This program is recommended for children 4 years-3rd grade. Children's Church is led by our staff and trained volunteers.



Nursery care for infants- 4 year olds is offered Sunday mornings starting at 10am, or at 9am when there is a Formation Hour program. Our nursery was renovated in the summer of 2024. 


Youth Group

Middle and high school students are invited to gatherings at church or at members' homes at least once a month. The group enjoys dinner, fun, and discussions. Service projects and other activities also take place during the program year.


Our Chorister program is an imporant facet of our children's and youth ministries. Open to K-8th graders, it's an opportunity to build community and friendships. Choristers and their families also enjoy a meal together on Wednesday at 6pm following rehearsal.


Sunday Liturgies:

8:00AM- Holy Eucharist, Rite I

10:30AM- Holy Eucharist. Rite II*

5:30PM- Evensong* (last Sunday of each month)

*also livestreamed via Facebook


Daily Office in our Chapel:

8:00AM, Monday-Friday, Morning Prayer

5:30PM, Monday-Friday, Evening Prayer*

*Wednesday is Healing Eucharist with Communion

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131 W. Council St. 

Salisbury, NC 28144



Office hours: 

Mon-Thurs, 9am-2pm, or by appt.


Church open to the public:

Mon-Thurs, 9am-4pm


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