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becoming beloved community

As part of our parish identity, we strive to foster God's Beloved Community in which all people may experience the abundant life intended for them as beloved children of God. We do this through pastoral care, fellowship, environmental stewardship, mission, and promoting racial justice and healing. This page focuses on that last element of the Beloved Community.

Our Ongoing
Efforts & Initiatives


St. Luke's completed Phase One of our work in January 2020:


As the work of racial reconciliation will span generations, there will be many more events to come...


Phase Two of our Becoming Beloved Community had been planned to commence in the spring of 2020 but many of those events, which were built upon relationships and gatherings, were postponed due to the pandemic. However, spring 2020 was also a time when our nation was having conversations about race. Out of these events and conversations, we launched a icon project to address the need to have a worship space that included a greater diversity of representation and more fully depicted our prayers for becoming a beloved community. You can learn more about the results of this work on our icons page.


Phase Three... Is in development. Please keep us in prayer and be in touch if you'd like to be a part of this ongoing work.



Sunday Liturgies:

8:00AM- Holy Eucharist, Rite I

10:30AM- Holy Eucharist. Rite II*

5:30PM- Evensong* (last Sunday of each month)

*also livestreamed via Facebook


Daily Office in our Chapel:

8:00AM, Monday-Friday, Morning Prayer

5:30PM, Monday-Friday, Evening Prayer*

*Wednesday is Healing Eucharist with Communion

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131 W. Council St. 

Salisbury, NC 28144



Office hours: 

Mon-Thurs, 9am-2pm, or by appt.


Church open to the public:

Mon-Thurs, 9am-4pm


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