Arts at St. Luke's
St. Luke's is blessed to be a congregation that believes in the hope and value of creation and re-creation. Surrounded by and nurturing the gifts of talented artists of all kinds, St. Luke's is a place where new creation bursts forth, and as is typical with creation, we are always open to embracing the many colors of surprise. Our attention is consistently drawn to parts of God's creation that we may never see or hear, or notice even if we do see or hear it; a spoken word, brush stroke, key pressed, note sung, shape and placement of a wooden piece, arrangement of a bouquet... Come, join us! -Stephen Williams, Director of Music Ministries

Choirs & Music in Worship
The Choirs of St. Luke's provide musical leadership during 10:30am worship and for Choral Evensong and other special liturgies.

Concerts & Recitals
The Arts at St. Luke's 24/25 season includes an exciting lineup of concerts featuring local and regional performers. All concerts are free.

Youth Chorister Program
Open to all children and youth K-8th grade, our Chorister program provides an outstanding choral music curriculum.

Your gifts to support Arts at St. Luke's help to ensure that this programming remains a vibrant offering to our community.