1753 Society All things come of thee, O Lord, and of thine own have we given thee.
Since 1753, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church has had a strong and faithful legacy of worship, service, and community in Salisbury, North Carolina. The 1753 Society exists to ensure that this legacy continues for future generations and enables you to continue your support for the Parish in perpetuity. Gifts to the 1753 Society will provide future members of St. Luke’s with a strong financial foundation by which they can respond fully and faithfully to God’s call in their own day.
Becoming a member of the 1753 Society
Members can notify the Rector of their desire to make a legacy gift to the church. There is no minimum designation required to join the 1753 Society. Such gifts can take various forms:
Bequest in a Will
Life Income Gifts
Life Insurance
Balance of Retirement Accounts
Stocks or other securities
Personal Property or Real Estate
If you are interested in joining the 1753 Society, members of the Legacy Giving Committee will meet with you and answer any questions that you might have. They will also provide guidance on how to best structure your intended gift to St. Luke’s. If you have already named St. Luke’s in your estate plan or will, please let us know so that we can anticipate the bequest and properly thank you for your generosity. If you are interested in joining the 1753 Society or have already left St. Luke's in your estate plans or will, please let the Rector know.
Members of the 1753 Society will be invited to occasional member events and their names will appear on a 1753 Society plaque which will be prominently displayed at St. Luke’s.
How the Funds are Used
All gifts to the 1753 Society will reside in the Parish’s Endowment Fund, specifically in the Memorial Fund. The interest earned by this fund, not principal, is used to support the ministry and mission of God through St. Luke’s for this and future generations. Management of this fund is overseen by the Vestry of St. Luke’s.